WolframAlpha è un motore di ricerca computazionale semantico che interpreta le parole chiave inserite dall'utente e propone direttamente una risposta invece che offrire una lista di collegamenti ad altri siti web. Questo strumento è stato attivato il 18 maggio 2009 e il suo autore è lo scienziato e matematico inglese Stephen Wolfram, conosciuto per aver sviluppato il software Mathematica.
"The goal of WolframAlpha is to bring high-level mathematics to the masses, by letting users type in problems in plain English and delivering instant results. As a result, some professors say the service poses tough questions for their classroom policies. 'I think this is going to reignite a math war,' said Maria H. Andersen, a mathematics instructor at Muskegon Community College, referring to past debates over the role of graphing calculators in math education. 'Given that there are still pockets of instructors and departments in the US where graphing calculators are still not allowed, some instructors will likely react with resistance (i.e. we still don't change anything) or possibly even with the charge that using WA is cheating.'"
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